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Scientific Scholar, USA, established with the aim of publishing scientific
journals. The mission of the company is “Share, Learn and Improve”.

Journal of Health Science Research (JHSR)

Scientific Scholar

The Journal of Health Science Research (JHSR) is an open-access peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of General Medicine. The journal is owned by the Society for Applied Research in Drug Discovery and published by the Scientific Scholar.

Aims & Scope

JHSR journal is dedicated to various disciplines of Health sciences. The aim of the journal is to provide a free-less-free medium to researchers, academicians, and other professionals of the concerned subject area, to share the knowledge of scientific advancements through a peer-reviewed publication. The journal primarily focuses to publish research work in all areas of health science


Our audience includes researchers from the field of General Medicine.

To submit a new manuscript visit– https://editorialassist.com/#/login/jhsr

For more details visit the journal website – https://jhsronline.com/