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Scientific Scholar, USA, established with the aim of publishing scientific journals. The mission of the company is “Share, Learn and Improve”.


Total Journals: 4
Scientific Scholar

Print ISSN: 2457-0206
Online ISSN: 2456-9224
Frequency: Quarterly

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Journal of Cardiac Critical Care TSS

(J Card Crit Care TSS, JCCC)
The Journal of Cardiac Critical Care (JCCC) is an open access peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of Cardiology.
Audience includes researchers from the field of Cardiology.
Abstracting and Indexing information:
The journal is indexed with or included in the following:

The journal is registered with the following abstracting partners:
EMBASE/ Excerpta Medica, Google Scholar, CrossRef, ReadCube, Portico
Scientific Scholar

Print ISSN: 2997-867X
Online ISSN: 2997-609X
Frequency: Semiannual

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Journal of Neonatal Critical Care and Anesthesia

(J Neonatal Crit Care Anesth, JNCCA)
The Journal of Neonatal Critical Care and Anesthesia (JNCCA) is an open access peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of Neonatal Anesthesia, Common health problems of the newborn and neonate.
Our audience includes researchers from the field of Neonatal Anesthesia, Common health problems of the newborn and neonate.
Abstracting and Indexing information:
The journal is registered with the following abstracting partners:
CrossRef, ReadCube, Portico
Scientific Scholar

Print ISSN:
Online ISSN:
Frequency: Semiannual

Journal Website

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Journal of Trauma Anaesthesia, Resuscitation and Critical Care

(J Trauma Anaesth Resusc Crit Care, JTARCC)
The Journal of Trauma Anaesthesia, Resuscitation and Critical Care (JTARCC) is an open access peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of Trauma Anaesthesia, Resuscitation and Critical Care.
Our audience includes researchers from the field of Trauma Anaesthesia, Resuscitation and Critical Care.
Abstracting and Indexing information:

Scientific Scholar

Print ISSN:
Online ISSN:
Frequency: Semiannual

Journal Website

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Author Instructions

Practical Evidence in Anaesthesia Knowledge

(Pract Evid Anaesth Knowl, PEAK)
The Practical Evidence in Anaesthesia Knowledge (PEAK) is an open access peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of Anaesthesiology.
Our audience includes researchers from the field of Anaesthesiology.
Abstracting and Indexing information: