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Challenges Encountered by Healthcare Providers during Home Visits for Palliative Care Patients – Indian Journal of Palliative Care


A qualitative study aimed to explore the various difficulties faced by Junior Residents, auxiliary nurses and midwives (ANM), and medical social workers (MSWs) during the home visits of palliative care patients and to address those difficulties in future visits. 

The study was conducted in peripheral institutions that had provided palliative care for the patients, which helped to identify the difficulties faced by healthcare providers and to plan for solutions in future palliative home care visits.

The study is published in the Indian Journal of Palliative Care published by Scientific Scholar.

Medical Dialogues team interacted with the lead authors, Dr. Priyanga and Dr Rajalakshmi from the Department of Community Medicine, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry.

The following aspects were discussed- 

1. What is the state of Palliative Care in the country and how has the field of expertise evolved in the past decade?

2. What are the major challenges that Healthcare Providers face in offering Palliative Care, especially during home visits?

3. What are the techniques involved in the study and what are your plans on developing such a study on a much larger scale and larger database?

4. What is the state of approach of family members of the patients who are receiving Palliative treatment and how healthcare providers coordinate with them for the best outcome of the care?

5. How was the experience with publishing with IJPC? How has this journal contributed to this sensitive clinical field over the years?